Money is one of the most important things that people work for, some people prefer to work for a large company because of high salary and the other prefer to work for a small company because of other reasons. As far as I’m concerned choosing a work place depends on the personality of each person.
For example, some people like to work for a small company because they can show their abilities in the best way. They think, they would have good opportunities to show themselves in a small place and make a good relationship with their colleagues. In a small work place, there are a few responsibilities and tasks which don’t have a lot of stress.
The others like to work for a big organization because they want to get a promotion and improvement in their jobs.
Personally, I think working for a big company has a lot of benefits. When you work for a big and famous company after awhile you’d gain a lot of good experiences and have a good history in your resume. You can gain high salary, annual bonus and generous payments as well .It gives you a lot of chances to get a promotion and moreover you can have a lot of communications with professional and expert people.
On the other hand, in a large company, there would be more prestige that you can brag about. However, there are a lot of advantages in a large company, but there are some negative points as well. In large companies, there are lots of rules that you have to obey, such as formal clothing, working hours, exact time of arrival and exit. When companies grow up and become large and famous, their rules and responsibilities would increase and become more complicated. For instance, sometimes you have to wait for manager’s approval to get one day off for a long time.
In short, choosing a work place needs a thoughtful attitude. Each person can decide to work for different companies with various situations and qualities and it depends on their personality. Each job has some difficulties that each person should deal with, to gain what they want.